Operation Free JP
We are writing this on behalf of JP. As some of you may know, but most of you probably don't, JP has been struggling with immigration issues for almost 13 years. JP was born in Bolivia and came to the United States in 2001. He arrived in the country and began to work legally on a work visa. His work visa subsequently expired, and he has been attempting to obtain US citizenship since 2010. He is not a legal US citizen. No matter your views on our country's immigration policy, we have created this page because we know your views on JP. JP is a fixture and a highlight on the Washington, DC social scene. His smile lights up a room, his laugh fills the entire building, and his unparalleled cocktails set the night on fire. As his friends and family, we are soliciting your help to "free JP."
JP is currently being held in a United States Immigration detention center in Farmville, VA and has been there since December, 19th. He is set to be deported within the next 3 to 6 weeks. Our mission in sharing his story is to help offset his legal fees. He will need over $7,500 at a minimum to get in front of a judge and potentially prevent his deportation. Since he has been detained for nearly a month now, his ability to work and earn a living has been severely compromised. We know JP has probably been there for you at some point, and now here is your chance to be there for him. No matter what your wallet can afford, no amount is too small. Every bit counts.
All donated funds will be withdrawn as a check made out directly to his attorney. Please help in anyway you can.
-Friends and Family of JP