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Breast Cancer treatment

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Hi, my name is Denise Gordon, and I live in Wilmington, North Carolina with my husband of 29 years, Craig Kittner, and our cat Jones.

On April Fool's Day of this year, I discovered I have breast cancer: invasive ductal cancer of the left breast with 3 tumors, plus a lymph node in my left armpit. Right now I'm at Stage 1 and 2.

Anyone would be upset at this news: for me it hit harder than normal. You see, I've been on a difficult journey since the end of 2019. I was already a cancer survivor: in 2014, and with almost no symptoms, I discovered I had Stage 4 small cell renal carcinoma in my right kidney. The tumor was almost twice as large as my kidney! This was a very aggressive cancer, and it was sheer luck that it was discovered and treated with surgery to remove the kidney and several lymph nodes. I was declared cancer-free, had no chemo or radiation, and only had to have 2 CT scans each year for 5 years to make sure the cancer hadn't returned. And it didn't. I was very fortunate, especially since I still had one healthy kidney.

In August of 2019 I lost my job of 7 years as a chef and decided that since I was middle-aged it may be time to change careers. So in late August 2019 I got a job in the cafeteria of a local school and worked, then began night classes in November 2019 at the community college to get training for medical office work. But a few months later, COVID took hold of the world; I got laid off from my job on March 17, 2020 but was able to continue taking classes remotely (I eventually did take the national exam in January of 2021 and got my certification). My plan was to immediately apply for jobs after getting laid off, but COVID quarantine and lack of jobs made it impossible to get hired.

The rest of 2020 wasn't good for me: many unresolved childhood trauma issues and other stressors, such as my brother's suicide in 2017, combined with being stuck at home, fueled an eating disorder I didn't realize I had until I became so large, immobile and depressed it felt like I was in a hole with no way out. I sought therapy in the fall, and in February 2021 I went into residential treatment for eating disorder and depression. My months in treatment pulled me back into the light, and I became well enough to come home. But because of COVID life wasn't back to normal. I was at home, continuing therapy, losing weight and still trying to rehab my arthritic knees and prepare for surgery in December for a hernia. I got through the surgery and healed very fast, continued physical therapy and became stronger and stronger. By early March of 2022 I was ready to rejoin the world, especially with work. So I began to apply for jobs. It was only because my doctor asked me during a routine physical when I last had a mammogram that I remembered to schedule one. And now here I am.

So yes, the cancer is upsetting, not only because I have it but because it's a major life disruption when I've had so many since the end of 2019. I recently was able to do two interviews with a company that I was super excited to work for, and I was praying to get hired so I could begin my new career in medical administration. But on my third interview, I decided to divulge my cancer diagnosis. And two days later, I got a rejection e-mail.

I'm battling not just cancer but some discrimination as well. But I've always been a survivor since early childhood. This time I'm asking for your help. Not working for two years has put a strain on our finances. I have a high deductible insurance plan that will end on May 31. And starting June 1st, I begin a new high deductible insurance plan with a $7000 maximum yearly out-of-pocket cost.

My oncologist wants me to have a bone scan that will cost me at least $5000. And so far, we've already been billed around $3800, and I haven't yet begun treatment. I'm looking at cancer centers that may require me to travel out of Wilmington and possibly out of state, and this will incur more costs. So I'm hoping to raise $15,000 to cover my current bills and future ones.

So if you can help me, I would be so grateful. Any amount, no matter how small, will alleviate our burden. If I reach my goal I will end the fundraising campaign. And if I raise extra money that is not needed for treatment, medicine or travel related to treatment, I pledge to give it to other persons in need for their cancer care. I'm not just trying to survive cancer; I'm trying to become a better person so I can help others. My life is far from over, and I want to do my part for this earth and all of us in it. And I will strive to do so each day: whether I survive this disease or not, whether I raise any money or not.

Please consider contributing and thank you!

Team di raccolta fondi (1)

Denise Gordon
Wilmington, NC
Craig Kittner
Team member

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