Misty DeBlasio "Celebration of Life"
Several of Misty DeBlasio's close friends will be hosting a "Celebration of Life" on February 16, 2014 at Woodlawn Plantation in Guyton, GA at 3:00pm.
Special Message from Her Daughter Rena
There were many times to be sad.
Sad when in December of 2013 I laid next to my momma as she
broke down in tears and whispered to me, "I'm
trying to fight this thing, believe me, I am, but I think it's winning this time,
and I want to be there to see you happy and to watch your kids grow up, and I
don't understand WHY me!? I'm not ready to go yet."
There were many times to be pissed off.
Pissed off when no matter how many endless rounds of
chemotherapy her body endured, every new scan said the same thing, "it's growing: there's more: it's now over
here too: oh and did I mention you have MRSA and a kidney stone now: blah blah
But this isn't about those
Because those
times don't define my momma. And they don't define her life.
When I reflect on my momma's life, her strength, her faith,
her unique "misty-ness" that resides within myself and within all of the people
she touches throughout her life, well, excuse my bluntness, but those sad and pissed off times don't
stand a chance in hell.
THIS is a time to celebrate! A time to
applaud the fierce woman who stands grounded in faith and armed with undying
love and strength against anything thrown her way "“ whether it be giving birth
to a nine pound baby girl without an epidural (sorry mom!) or battling triple
negative breast cancer for the past two and a half years.
The woman who keeps you laughing until it physically hurts every
inch of your body to laugh anymore, but you still keep laughing.
The woman who empowers and inspires anyone around her "“
whether it be a random waitress or a friend of 20 years "“ we've all been touched
by her infectious spirit, and honestly, we can't get enough.
The woman who, no matter what time it is, will always be
willing to grab lunch with you at SOHO café:seriously, always.
THIS is about
celebrating my momma's life and I need
your help.
To have this celebration, I am asking, begging, and pleading
for financial support from all of you to help me and my family:
Throw an out-of-this-world FUNeral for my mom to celebrate with 400-500 of her closest friends
in less than a month!!
Fly in family from out-of-town for this
Cover the costs of mounting medical bills
Help pre-pay the cost
of funeral bills
We have a big goal here and I have NO doubt we can do it. I
need your help "“ not only in donating what you can (ANYTHING HELPS!) but also
in spreading the word and sharing this fundraiser with as many people as you
can "“ through social media, around your work, around the community, just share!
Please help make this night incredibly special for my momma.