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Forget Lt. Dan.... King needs a new leg

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King is the "son" of my best friend, Beth.  With a quick little jump off her lap to greet Beth's roommate, King crushed where his tibia meets his fibula... and caused tragic results.  Due to the severity of the injury, King needs surgery or face amputation.  Beth lost her job a few years ago, and is currently in school to learn new skills.  Her resources are just about depleted, and although she got approved for Care Credit, it just covered the emergency services King received immediately after the accident.  If you knew Beth, or have a pet that is part of your family, then you know how devastated she feels right now....and add to that Beth lost her father less than two weeks ago.  As her best friend, I cannot see her suffer yet another loss.  If she cannot raise enough money to cover the cost of this surgery, then she will be forced to make decisions that will break her heart for the rest of her life.  Any help you can give would be appreciated more than words could ever let you know.  Thank you for whatever you can donate from the bottom of our hearts.


  • Linda Puleo
    • $20
    • 11 yrs


Joanne Dillon
Lawrence, MA

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