Books for Africa
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Books for Africa (BFA) is one of t.Lab's initiatives that aims to provide 50,000 books to students in the areas of need in the African continent. As well, the project aims to educate Americans, especially African Americans, about the African culture and heritage.
To date, a total of 2,500 books were sent to Ogun, Oyo, and Lagos States in Nigeria. We plan to send 2,500 more books in December 2020 to communities in Nigeria.
Great Light Community School students in Ogun State, Nigeria
This project is led by one of t.Lab's 11th grade student leaders, Miss Toni Shoyinka. As an African American and first generation from Nigeria, Toni maintains a desire and passion to uplift and help others - a gift that inherited from her parents, Mr. Bukky and Dr. Nike Shoyinka. Toni is an outstanding student with a 4.0 GPA and realized 34 on ACT (American College Test) in the 10th grade. She has participated in t.Lab since 2012.
Here is a testimony from a family who helped with the sorting of the initial books sent to Nigeria:
"Anjolajesu has had the book read to her 5 times since yesterday and still wants to read it! When I look at this, you can imagine the impact these books will have on children whose parents are less empowered or concerned."
A single book can change a child's destiny. Help us change THOUSANDS of lives and create a better world for children in Africa by supporting the gift of reading!
Please support this initiative by donating new and slightly used books to t.Lab located at:
t.Lab at Schoolcraft College Radcliff Center
1751 Radcliff Street
Garden City, MI 48135
You can also support the BFA Project by donating cash to cover shipment and purchase of additional books.

You may contact us at [phone redacted] or email us at tlab@tlab-global.com. For more information about t.Lab, please visit www.tlab-global.com.
Books for Africa (BFA) is one of t.Lab's initiatives that aims to provide 50,000 books to students in the areas of need in the African continent. As well, the project aims to educate Americans, especially African Americans, about the African culture and heritage.
To date, a total of 2,500 books were sent to Ogun, Oyo, and Lagos States in Nigeria. We plan to send 2,500 more books in December 2020 to communities in Nigeria.

This project is led by one of t.Lab's 11th grade student leaders, Miss Toni Shoyinka. As an African American and first generation from Nigeria, Toni maintains a desire and passion to uplift and help others - a gift that inherited from her parents, Mr. Bukky and Dr. Nike Shoyinka. Toni is an outstanding student with a 4.0 GPA and realized 34 on ACT (American College Test) in the 10th grade. She has participated in t.Lab since 2012.
Here is a testimony from a family who helped with the sorting of the initial books sent to Nigeria:
"Anjolajesu has had the book read to her 5 times since yesterday and still wants to read it! When I look at this, you can imagine the impact these books will have on children whose parents are less empowered or concerned."
A single book can change a child's destiny. Help us change THOUSANDS of lives and create a better world for children in Africa by supporting the gift of reading!
Please support this initiative by donating new and slightly used books to t.Lab located at:
t.Lab at Schoolcraft College Radcliff Center
1751 Radcliff Street
Garden City, MI 48135
You can also support the BFA Project by donating cash to cover shipment and purchase of additional books.

You may contact us at [phone redacted] or email us at tlab@tlab-global.com. For more information about t.Lab, please visit www.tlab-global.com.
Clarence Nixon
Garden City, MI