Help Faith with Recovery
Don protégé
Hi! My name is Alyssa. I met Faith as a fellow burn survivor. I’ve gotten to know Faith very well following both of our individual accidents this year. On June 3 2021, Faith woke up in flames. She was taken to Vanderbilt hospital in Nashville, Tennessee where she received life saving surgeries and care for 3rd degree burns to 40% of her body. After 71 days in the hospital, she was transferred to Stallworth Rehab Facility for rehabilitation to regain her ability.
As a burn survivor myself, I know how expensive recovery is. Faith needs support so that she can solely focus on her healing, as she’s still going through physical and occupational therapies.
Please consider donating as Faith is going through an incredibly tough and life altering situation. She’s got the sweetest heart and setting this up as a gift to her is the least I can do to support her
Since 2021, Faith has undergone upwards of 50 surgeries and is still going through them.
Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Faith LoPiccolo
Lexington, KY
Faith LoPiccolo