Friesen College Funds
Donation protected
Four years ago we lost a father, a husband, a son, a friend. We think now in terms of "before" and "after". Every year until the children are through school, I will re-post this campaign. To those of you who have donated in the past, and those who will, thank you. Those words are inadequate but they are what I have and I mean them sincerely, thank you.
Anastasia moved to campus for her sophomore year at ASU. She lives in the honor college dorms and has greatly enjoyed her new independence and her work-study job at the makers space. Her scholarships cover her tuition and we have used this fund for some of the rest of the expenses that come along with living on campus.
Alexander has completed his sophomore year of high school. His favorite class is choir and he is on track to be a scholarship student just like his big sis.
Anastasia moved to campus for her sophomore year at ASU. She lives in the honor college dorms and has greatly enjoyed her new independence and her work-study job at the makers space. Her scholarships cover her tuition and we have used this fund for some of the rest of the expenses that come along with living on campus.
Alexander has completed his sophomore year of high school. His favorite class is choir and he is on track to be a scholarship student just like his big sis.
Amy Johnston Friesen
Queen Creek, AZ