Funeral Costs For Isis Williams
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I don’t even know where to start, but for a while now my cousin was in an abusive relationship with her baby father. She tried leaving him multiples times as she slept in her car or at a family member house from time to time. She had recently went back to him while giving birth to her 3rd daughter on December 9th 2018. She had been discharged from the hospital 2 days later. She could only spend 5 days with her daughter before she was brutally killed by her baby father and haven’t even seen her other two daughters before her death. Please we are asking anybody to help us lay her to rest she didn’t deserve this and should get a proper burial. Any amount of money will help assure her a proper burial and help take care of her babies as much as possible.
Coorganisateurs (3)
Myiesha Yarbough
Philadelphia, PA
Aspara Agyeman
Christina Yarbough