Daughter In Near-fatal Car Accident
My name is Sharon and my daughter's name is Leah. Leah was in a wreck on Nov. 6th, 2018. She is still in the hospital as of today but out of ICU. She hit an 18 wheeler at 60mph. The doctors dont know what happened if a seizure occured or what. She has no recollection of even waking up that day. Her injuries include: 3 Fractures in the skull, inner cranial bleeding, bruised brain, 3 Fractures in neck, broken spin with pins, all ribs broken, open gash on stomach with internal bleeding, bruised liver, shattered pelvis, whole left arm broken with elbow shattered and full of metal rods, right lower arm broken with metal rods and open gashes, left hip shattered now with metal, right hip dislocated, left femur broken with rods, left knee shattered with metal, and right ankle broken with metal. Left arm and hip got infected so that added to about 16 surgeries. She can finally get into a wheelchair and we are working on getting a wheelchair ramp but with no wheelchair accessible van to get to doctors appointments, it's still a hurdle. Also with all the metal and being off her feet these past couple months, she's gonna need rehab. With no insurance, we've had to call to look for charity beds or home health care but none are available. She barely has use of her fingers and the left arm is impossible for her to move. We hate to ask which is why it took so long to write this but we really do need help. Even if it's just a few prayers we appreciate it. God kept her here for a reason so I'm doing the best I can to heal her completely. Thank you for reading and thank you if you donate or pray.