Multiple Sclerosis Sucks! Please help!
Donation protected
Hi! My name is Alisa, and I have Multiple Sclerosis. I was diagnosed in 2001 when I was still a teenager. At the time I lost complete mobility in the left side of my body due to a golf ball-sized lesion in my right motor cortex; that I can walk at all now is a miracle.
Recently I have been having increasing difficulty with vertigo, muscle tremors and spasms, and severe fatigue. I'm on medications for many of these things and use a cane to get around, but due to several recent falls I've become somewhat afraid of living alone. A good friend of mine is poised to move in with me, but I need to get my place cleaned before she can do that. Unfortunately, due to my disability making me unable to stand for long amounts of time or lean over in certain ways, combined with depression and PTSD (did I mention I was involved in a workplace shooting a little under two years ago?), my place is a bit messy. There's a lot of stuff on my floor because I can't always pick it up, and my kitchen and bathroom need a thorough scrubbing.
So I'm asking you, dear friends, to help me raise a fund to get my place tidied up. My local chapter referred me to a local cleaning service that specializes in helping people with disabilities, but that still requires money, and I am unemployed and only just starting the process of applying for disability.
All funds raised will go to working with this cleaning service to ready my place for my new roommate. Any excess funds will be used for future cleaning needs or for the purchase of necessary assistive devices such as a bath bar and one of those grabby claws so I can pick things up when I drop them.
Bottom article is when I lead an MS walk team in college: https://www.cmu.edu/cmnews/020411/020411_briefs.html
Alisa Marie
Pittsburgh, PA