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DV8 For Life Fund

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Pain & Time...

I’m fighting the giants and red tape - fighting for the right to be heard and to receive treatment - one of our first goals is to battle the obstacles and blockades in place that’s stopping me from even getting my story out there. I sincerely hope that you will help share and help us shine a light on the miscarriage of justice and the violation of human rights, the malicious actions and malpractice that is taking place - help us share the truth and be a part of our long battle, become a part of the fight for truth, justice, help, healing, and human dignity, kindness and compassion...You can help, you have the power to change and save lives - if you cannot donate, you can still help by simply sharing, speaking out, engaging and sharing, following, subscribing, and just simply supporting. Your support means not only a lot emotionally, but you can make all the difference in the world, the difference between life and death - your support can literally help save lives and alter the course of the future! You’re stronger then you know, and hope is a powerful tool...and it doesn’t have to cost a thing! Sharing is free, kindness is free, compassion is free, but what’s the price or value of your own life or someone you love? Please help in whatever ways you can and hug or call someone you love and care about - it’s free, but means the world to know you care, or that someone cares about you - that is priceless! ♥️

Quick update - I was recently hospitalised and now have blood clots in my lungs, and I am on daily blood thinners which complicates things going forward....

I am going to start with a quick overview, and hopefully that will make it a little easier to understand, okay here we go!...

I need help!

I have a very rare disease that causes very painful tumours to grow all over my body. I am in constant agonising pain. •1•••

2• I am bedridden and I can only lay down in one position, on my left side, but even that is still extremely painful, not to mention extremely difficult and uncomfortable.

3• I can not walk but for a few steps here and there. Because I cannot walk, I am in a wheelchair.

4• The wheelchair I had to purchase myself, because I cannot get help, and because of that reason, the wheelchair is not comfortable or practical, not to mention that sitting, yes sitting hurts so unbelievably badly.

5• I have been essentially ignored for the past three or so years, and due to not being treated for a long amount of time, my situation is so complex and requires a multi team - tasked approach.

6• The team will have to comprise of more than ten doctors and specialists, also surgeons, to deal with the absolute mess I am in due to medical treatment and services being withheld.

7• Also, because I cannot and could not access medical care, it has made my situation not only worse, but even more complicated and caused more medical problems that I otherwise would not have had or at the very least, would have been easily treated.

8• Again, due to not receiving proper treatment and care, I developed dental problems. During this time not only did they not fix the problem but caused new - worse problems and issues.

9• A side note here: I was a private patient with private health insurance, and even though I could no longer afford the monthly cost and excess costs, I still payed to see private Doctors and specialist services...

10• I am in an astronomical amount of medical debt and debt stemming from my medical situation, such as the wheelchair, and other things I require but I cannot afford.

11• At times I haven’t been able to afford things like medications, gas, electricity, rent, and was almost evicted and homeless, and as a result that created more debts and health compromises...

12• Such as: If you want that checked you’ll have to pay out of pocket, if you want that particular medication it’s not covered by the PBS and it’s out of pocket, if you want your teeth fixed you’ll have to see a private dentist - we don’t fix that, and so on.

13• Through this whole time I tried everything, and I was treated in a way that I cannot imagine an animal being treated like!

14• I was abused in every way possible; mentally, emotionally, and yes, even physically! As you can imagine how much worse that made everything.

15• I genuinely at times questioned my own sanity, as the doctors had me believing that I was crazy and that it was either in my head, or that I was a hypochondriac and that I was weak and couldn’t tolerate pain very well, and that I was giving myself physical symptoms from mental problems...

16• That I was essentially causing things to happen with the power of thoughts, by thinking I had a particular problem I was manifesting them into reality.

17• I was told that I was being stupid, I was told to see a Phycologist, I was told it was all my fault, I was told to stop it, I was threatened, yelled at, abused, given dangerous advice, or on the other extreme end of the spectrum...

18• I was told I was going to die if I didn’t say what I was instructed to say, and I was given a diagnosis and told that they didn’t test for it at the hospital and I would need to find someone else to test me...

19• One Doctor even told me that I had AIDS! And then sent me on my way home.

20• I honestly don’t think anyone can really appreciate or understand the things I have been put through, things that were all one hundred percent avoidable and completely unnecessary.

21• There is more to all of the situation, but basically because of everything that has transpired in the last few years, I need urgent care by a large team of specialists...

22• Because I cannot get help, even now, I could theoretically get the help I need privately, and that is going to cost a fortune. However I want to try, I want my life back, and there are treatments available.

23• There are no cures to some of the medical issues, however there are treatments available for most. Also there are ways of making life more comfortable, including a proper wheelchair for just a start.

24• There are many things that need to be done and things that need to be put in place to either assist me with living, making things possible to do, and things that can help a great deal.

25• I understand that it’s going to cost a lot of money, but a little from many adds up, and not only is it possible, but it’s definitely an attainable goal(s)!

26• How much is your life worth, or your partners life, or mother’s, father’s, or child’s life worth?! I’ve tried everything I can on my own, I cannot do it alone, I need help!

27• If you can help by donating great, if you’d like to help but can’t afford it, then please share it, like it, retweet it, repost it, and also consider following me on other social media platforms, and also...

28• Also, subscribing to my YouTube channel @ Marija - DV869R & also on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Twitch, and Facebook @ DV869R - as I would really love to document my journey...

29• I have sold off a lot of my things in times of desperation, so I don’t own a computer or camera or anything. I have an old phone, but hopefully that will work...

30• I think everyone can acknowledge that a social media following allows for more reach, so that hopefully I will be able to reach out to specialists and such, to see if they can help me by maybe donating their time or maybe I can reach out to companies who have medical equipment, ect...

31• So, honestly a few dollars goes a long way when combined with others and other approaches. I am not seeking fame but I am trying to get attention to be able to not only get treatment, but to also speak out about what and how people are treated...

32• I know that I am most likely not alone in the way I’ve been treated or perhaps in the way that doctors treat patients - and the mental and emotional aspects of health care and medical treatment facilities, ect...

33• I need help, and I hope that I can count on you to help in any way that you can. If there’s any journalists out there that can help me with verification and sharing of my story, please, please let me know!

34• If you are or know of someone or alternatively a company/specialists or anything else that would or could possibly help, please help by reaching out to them and sharing.

35• Lastly, I really want to document everything, I did own a camera, computer, car, but I sold them in desperate times to pay bills and things. I wished I had been able to document everything thus far, but I really want to be able to start soon...

36• If I can inform or help one person or influence one law maker or politician - to make sure this never happens to anyone ever again, that would be at least something positive in such a hopeless and painful situation! Marija - DV869R ♥️ ™️©️

Link to my fundraiser - New Year New Life

Please help share, RT, Join, add me, subscribe, support, follow, repost, and more @ DV869R on most social media platforms! Thank you!

More of a in-depth look, starting with goals, plans and steps to achieve this goal (s) —

Goal **1** Funds for travel and accomodation and Doctors fees...I can not access the specialist care in my city, and therefore am going to have to travel to them, wherever they are based - one so far possibility is in Melbourne approximately ten hours by vehicle...I’m bedridden and in a wheelchair, traveling will be very difficult, I also don’t own transportation, but because of the tumours and constant pain, air travel would most likely be the only option. Accomodation that has wheelchair access and wide open doorways, as well as accommodation for a person who would have to accompany me as I am unable to travel alone. And costs of taxis and Uber’s or car hire...Doctors & Specialists fees which are mostly private and due to the number of specialists it becomes extremely expensive - starting rates for a consultation range from $180.00 to $650.00 it could be higher or lower depending, but that’s the lowest I’ve paid and the highest for the initial consultation - surgeries and test are obviously priced way above a standard consultation. I am hoping that I can find some doctors who may be willing to donate their services, but obviously that’s not at all guaranteed or even likely at this point. I am still trying to contact my local members of government and news media to seek support from medical professionals that would be willing to donate their services and time or even at a discounted rate!

I will keep updating regularly but for now there’s additional information about my case below...

Overall - **Goal 2** It is a very complicated yet simple story that I most likely won’t be able to articulate very well but I will try my best to explain, and just know that I appreciate your understanding and patience! I have a very rare disease - Durcums disease - with approximately over 30 painful tumours that need to be removed by a plastic surgeon over a number of surgeries due to the number of tumours and their locations. The painful tumours are all throughout my body, even in my chest wall, breasts, arms, legs, stomach, back, ribs and more. I am currently bedridden and in a wheelchair. The pain is severe and it hurts to sit and even lay down, I can only lay on my left side, and as I’m sure you can imagine that after a number of months let alone years, that in itself becomes painful and causes problems. I have spent years trying to be taken seriously, to have my pain be taken seriously, and to be treated with respect and kindness, and a little bit of understanding. I have been dismissed and told that it is in my head, or worse yet, being told I belong in a mental illness facility whilst in the midst of having a waking seizure! I just wanted to receive fair and professional treatment, but unfortunately it’s been a dead end. I have received abuse by the doctors and hospital, and that includes verbal, mental, emotional, and yes even physical! I have very recently found a wonderful new GP, who found the right diagnosis and has been trying to get treatment organised for me, but unfortunately it’s been extremely difficult - as we’ve gotten nowhere!

I am reaching out to government bodies and news media, to try and get help as I have exhausted all of my other opinions. I am in massive medical debt, I was previously a private patient, but unfortunately it’s just accumulated debt and I can no longer afford it, and have no other means as I am obviously not working and already have accumulated credit card debt and done everything within my own powers to get and seek help and healing. It is honestly a shame it has gotten to this point. I am not sure that I will get treatment within Australia, I may be forced to travel to the States, and either way the costs will be astronomical!

*Urgent goal **3** I have 9 (Updates on this will be published in updates) days to agree to a irreversible dental surgery as a public patient, and if I can get funding I will absolutely not go through with! I have waisted thousands of dollars on dental treatment and care privately, only to be a public patient and for them to say “we don’t fix teeth, we remove them” I’ve paid over two thousand dollars on just the first half of two route canals, only to wake up from the previous surgery with stitches and missing teeth! If I go through with something that they did and are responsible for - and were the cause of the current situation in the first place, I can never, ever reverse it, and my teeth most definitely CAN be fixed, privately...

Through reaching out to the media I hope to raise awareness, but also to get the help I so desperately need and want. I’m honestly not sure what companies are willing to donate equipment and services, let alone things like travel and accommodation, as it’s not as simple as sitting on a airplane - depending upon how long the flight would be, would depend on the type of seating - as I can not sit for any length of time as it’s incredibly painful, I would need to be able to lay down... but that’s not all - I need a team of specialist as I have other urgent medical matters that the GP is unable to diagnose and treat on his own, as tests are needed and they must be done by specialists. But they too would all have to volunteer their time and services, and a lot of other things like a proper wheelchair, home medical equipment, and so much more.

I have trouble concentrating and being able to explain things, but basically the point I think I am trying to make is that...if I had been treated in the appropriate manner, in the appropriate and acceptable amount of time, things would most definitely not be as bad or as desperate, or as difficult, or perhaps, even as expensive as they are now. Not only would I most likely not be in a wheelchair or bedridden, as I was very active and had a lot of wonderful things I was perusing at the time, but I most definitely wouldn’t be in a massive amount of medical debt, and now looking at just astronomical amounts of money and just the massive amounts of costs involved to get help and healing.

The abuse I have received is, and has made everything worse! When you’re in pain and suffering every day, the very last thing you need is to be told it’s not real, to be dismissed, to be told that you are crazy, and to be belittled, made fun of, to be yelled at and threatened, and to be physically abused! I just wanted - needed for someone - anyone to take me and my pain seriously, I had creative projects in the works, I was writing a book, building my own business, and all I needed was a little help and healing. I just want to be normal, and live a normal life in pursuit of personal life freedoms, and happiness - to give it my best to chase my dreams and work hard to try and make my dreams a reality. I’m just a young woman with goals, who loves life, I love to laugh and be creative, I love helping others whenever I can, and I have a huge heart, I am kind and I always try to be a better person than I was yesterday! This is supposed to be the happiest time of my life, and I just want to be able to live life, not just be alive...while I still have a chance!

I think for more in depth information about the situation, and the incredibly important details, it will either have to be written by someone who can help write it all down and have it make sense, by perhaps a journalist or something. I am trying hard, but with the pain and medications I take, I’m not sure if I am making any sense!? Basically I guess I can sum it up in a very basic way in saying, I’ve been mistreated and abused by my local medical services professionals that have ignored, abused, purposely pushed me away, and made sure by the abusive treatment I received, that I wouldn’t want to ever come back to see them, and guaranteed I’d be too scared, and frankly unable to complain or get anyone to take me or my medical problems seriously...

Just the cost of seeking private plastic surgeons from at the very least not my area (as I have already tried and there’s none) - and possibly not in my country; privately accessed specialist (a team of them) - a possibly Private hospital, and privately gain access to Medical equipment and in home disability services and equipment - would not only guarantee financial ruin, but an impossibility to the average person, (me included!) - as the cost is likely to reach above half a million dollars at least, as repeated surgeries, travel and other services are required. Also required is physical therapy after treatments and surgeries to hopefully start moving and hopefully walking again - in the form of hydrotherapy will be needed either way honestly. All this whilst trying to do normal things like pay my bills - rent, gas, electricity, phone, internet, medications, food, and all without having a vehicle or support from anyone...

I’m a huge geek and I wish I had gotten to spend money on myself and on my future goals, like building my own business and completing my written works, finish building my website and things. I haven’t had a haircut in over two years, I haven’t been able to go to the movies that I love so much, or play the video games I love, and to collect my comics and buy my books and things; the last thing that I or anyone really, want to do is spend more money on medical stuff. Or to want to be cut open and have surgeries. I have dreams and goals just like anyone else, I just want a chance to pursue my dreams and life goals. I just want a chance to participate in life, especially knowing that there definitely is something that can be done to give me that chance!

I sincerely thank you for your time and understanding, I will do updates as soon as I possibly can, in the meantime if you could please help share, even if you are unable to donate, sharing can really help. I sincerely appreciate you and your time, thank you!

Kind regards, Marija.


Marija Cairns
Dunlop, ACT

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