Cancer/Medical Journey 2013
Hello,for those who do not know me, my name is Jolene; I am a mother of two beautiful children age 10 and 3; and a breast cancer survivor. I am reaching out to the world for help during this hard time. A difficult year;In April of 2013 I had a lumpectomy on my right breast, on April 18 I got a call, it was breast cancer;Stage 0, and a highly aggressive cell type. In May I had a double mastectomy.
I had spent the last 4 1/2 years in rural Alaska taking care of my Father who never fully recovered from an car accident in 2007. He was blind and totally immobile by winter 2012. 10 days after my mastectomy my Father passed away in the local Hospital at age 70, and I brought his ashes to his place of birth in Montana in July.
I started the first part of reconstruction of my chest in August, which involved placing skin-expanders in my chest wall to stretch( over a period of time) the chest and skin out for implants to be placed in later. This is the month my Chevy Venture's engine died as well...and it isn't only half paid for.
In September, the month I would turn 39, I had a head MRI to see what was causing nerve problems on the left side of my face. I had different doctors look at it since 2007 when it started as what felt like a sinus infection, then it started to go numb. I was told I had a brain tumor on the underside of my brain. something about as hard to hear as "you have cancer". In October I was sent to Seattle for brain surgery. I was more scared about this than the three surgeries I had before. It went well and the tumor was benign (non-cancerous) Thank gods for that!
After returning to Alaska I continued the expanding for the reconstruction, this had to be done before radiation could get started. On Dec 11th I had my first radiation treatment at the local cancer clinic, which for me is 80 miles one way from my house. I had a scheduled of 1 treatment a day Mon-Fri.
I ended the 2013 year giving up our families two year old black lab due to medical care she needed and I couldn't pay for.
I spent all of January doing radiation and finished my treatments on February 3rd. I am hoping to be done with the final part of reconstruction before my 1 year annv. April 2014.
My main job at the start of this was being my father's caretaker, guardian and conservator. I had a part-time job of 10 hours a week. By June I was unemployed, and my boyfriend of 4 years was having to take a lot of time off to help me and take care of the kids. My credit card balances are 5 times higher now as I have used them for gas, groceries and Christmas because I did not have the cash for them. I have only a few months to be done with this all and it can't come quick enough. I look forward to finding full time employment again so I can have more in my budget than Housing, heating and food. I am so grateful my kids have realized we are low on money and do not ask for much and are OK when I tell them no we can't buy it/have it right now. Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you can help, I thank you. Blessings to you and yours.