NSW Firefighter's Equipment Destroyed
Hi Folks.
I am setting up this GoFundMe for Steve Baily.
Steve is a volunteer rural fire fighter, a close personal friend and a true Australian!
He is currently giving up most of his personal time to fight the current bush fires in NSW like many other amazing people.
While Steve was protecting other peoples houses and property from a deliberately lit fire near his home town just north of Tamworth, all his equipment used for rural fencing and cutting and splitting firewood was destroyed by the same fire he was fighting.
Steve selflessly chose to protect other peoples property but lost all of his equipment as a result.
His tractor, custom log splitter attached to the tractor, quad bike and a horse float filled with equipment like generator and fencing equipment was all destroyed.
My aim is to raise funds to help with the replacement of this equipment that has been destroyed.
Approximate values of good second hand replacement equipment would be:
Tractor: $10,000
Horse Float: $5,000
Quad Bike: $5,000
Generator: $1,000
My aim is to raise $20,000
Considering the amount of unpaid work Steve has done with the rural fire brigade, houses and property he has helped save and personal sacrifice made, I feel helping Steve get back on his feet again is the right thing to do.
I would like to see this money raised within the next 3 months enabling him to get equipment back, so he can be back up and running again by the end of the summer fire season.