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Recovery for Katie Williams

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Click here for details : http://www.ocala.com/article/20160319/ARTICLES/160319709&tc=ix

Katie Williams is a hardworking, dedicated and loyal woman. She is an amazing sister and friend. She has dedicated her life to training and helping horses. She is a true "horseman". Katie also has an innate way of working with children. She has touched so many people's lives in so many ways. On Saturday, March 19th, she was struck by another vehicle that ran a red light. The injuries she sustained are devastating. She is currently in a coma on life support and the damage to her brain is still unknown. Katie is a fighter and we hope and pray she will fight through this challenge she is faced with. Katie will have a long road ahead of her and the bills are piling up; any donations are greatly appreciated.

There has been some questions as to the first donation page for Katie. This was created by a friend of the family. If you have donated to this fund, thank you! The donations will be combined and included to this account.


  • Sherry Lowery Summitt
    • $20
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Chris Lira
Reddick, FL
Gina Martinez

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