Improve Karla's quality life
Karla is a 21 years old young girl with Cerebral Palsy (quadriplegia), scoliosis and congenital microcefaly who need many special care. Help us improve Karla's health for better quality life with assistive equipment and others. She need aquatic, physical, speech and language and occupational therapy. Soon she will fulfill the majority age so she will not qualify for the services and to continue in school. For this reason, she needed assistive equipment such as positioning splints for hands and feet to prevent deformity in their limbs, new glasses for vision loss in the left eye, body jacket to prevent progress in her levoescoliosis, wheel chair, equipment for bathroom, wheelchair lifter for the vehicle, transport wheelchair to the second floor of the house among other equipment. We need as much help as possible to prevent Karla's recoil in her condition and to continue to improve her quality of life.