"Taking Our Youth Back"
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Cornerstone Baptist Church has answered the call.
The Lord confirmed upon my heart and the hearts of our members the need for a strong Christian school in the city of Chicago (Hyde Park/Woodlawn area). It is no secret that our government school system has failed and continues to fail our youth educationally and morally. Government education has undone the very biblical foundation that we, parents, and the church community at large have worked so diligently to invest in our children. This has produced ill-prepared youth that are the supposed future leaders of this country.
We have given our children to secularists. Our children need to be taught the multiplication table AND the fear of the Lord. We need to teach them geography AND how to get to heaven. The more secular knowledge our children acquire, the more they need to be taught the fear of the Lord.
My question: What will the people of God do about it?
After much prayer, counsel, and consideration, we have decided to enter fully the arena of Christian education with Cornerstone Baptist Academy! This is no easy task nor is it a light assignment, but with continuous prayer paired with your generous financial support, we are confident that Cornerstone Baptist Academy will be a leading faith based academy in the Chicago-land area.
So how can you support Cornerstone Baptist Academy?
1. Spiritual support - Pray!
2. Financial Support - Give generously!
Our goal is to raise $65,000. The raised funds will go to some of the following:
1.) A new HVAC system
2.) Space repurposing to add more classrooms
3.) Painting the facility
And much more!
You can make a difference by donating today to Cornerstone Independent Baptist Church. Help us make a difference in the lives and future of our youth.
Courtney Lewis
Chicago, IL
Cornerstone Independent Baptist Church