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6th Chilliwack Scouts Gear Fund

Spende geschützt
http://www.theprogress.com/news/419204434.html?mobile=true ‌6th Chilliwack Scouts is a classic club for children 5-7 (Beavers) and 8-10 (Scouts). They provide the kids with life skills such as rope tying, arts and crafts, camping skills and camping weekends. It also provides leadership opportunities for the parents of the kids, and brings communities together. 

Camps are where the memories happen. And most of them take place in the spring and beginning of summer, using all of the skills they have acquired over the year. 

Our meeting hall, the Chilliwack United  Church was broken into. All of the scouting gear was stolen. Tents, Cooking Gear, Axes, Tarps, Bow and Arrows, and other survival gear. 

The kids next camp is in 2 weeks. We need to fund this group to buy new camping gear. 

Each of the kids benefit so much from your help. Lets donate what we can so that the kids can go on thier first camping trip of the year, with everything they need! Pancake breakfasts and spooky stories around the campfires await!

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Brenda MacKinnon
Chilliwack, BC
6th Chilliwack Scouts .

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