Chip In! Danielle's Cancer Conquest!
Thank you for stopping to read my story when there are so many other worthy causes.
I wanted to make my story sparkle and shine like the people in the sample templates did, but the fact is, time is of the essence for me and it's more than I can figure out at the moment.
Just before Christmas I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. I was able to enjoy Christmas and New Year's with my family before having surgery on January 17.
It looked like good news; they got it all! But then the pathology report came back a couple of weeks later and things have taken a grim turn. There was not just endometrial cancer, but also clear cell carcinoma which is a more aggressive cancer (that means it likes to spread) and there are microscopic cells in my lymph nodes and abdominal cavity.
According to the oncologist, a lovely, precious soul, chemotherapy and radiation is the standard of care and my best chance of stopping the spread.
I'm not going to bash chemotherapy here because I know some people survive it and go on to live good, long lives and that is wonderful, but I know it is not for me. I just can't bring myself to do it and I have declined to start it at this time.
There are many alternative treatments available and I owe it to myself to go that route. It makes sense to me to build my body up to heal, not harm it.
Insurance doesn't pay for alternative medical treatments unfortunately, and this will all be out of pocket and I hate to ask, but I could really use some help.
It is my desire to go to where there is a treatment called Photo Dynamic Blood Treatment aimed at killing cancer cells specifically, without harming healthy cells.
My next choice is if you follow that link you will find the testimony of Angel and Sonia Rios whom we know personally. The reason Bio Care Hospital is not my first choice is that their main treatment for my situation is low-dose chemo (won't make me sick or my hair fall out) administered at the same time I am undergoing whole-body hyperthermia (heating my body up to 105-106 while under anesthesia) to make it more effective. It's too soon after my surgery to have the hyperthermia. One must wait three months after abdominal surgery. I would still be given the chemo, but there's a question about whether or not it would work as well. I don't have the luxury of waiting two more months.
Both hospitals do most of the other same treatments as part of their regimens....IV vitamin C, laetrile, chelation, minerals, hyperbaric chamber, detoxing protocols, stem cell therapy and special diet. Counseling is big at Hope4cancer to help sort out the fear aspect of cancer, and to work on trying to find the root cause of disease that might be from toxic emotions.
Hope4cancer is $34,000 for three weeks of treatment that includes all meals and lodging for my husband Glen, and me, treatments while there, and three months worth of supplements and the equipment and medicine to continue the blood treatment at home.
Bio Care Hospital is $28,000 for three weeks of treatment, meals and lodging for both of us. Supplements that they send home with me are extra.
I am healthy and strong and have a hard time believing there's a vicious invader in my body. I have everything in the world to live for and I am going to beat this. I would love for you to come along with me on my journey.
Although I have an old Facebook account which I will post this on and get started catching up with friends, I have never participated in social media and don't really have a presence of my own, so would you please pass this along on whatever you use to keep in touch with people?
Whichever hospital we decide upon, we are going to have to put the money on credit cards because I don't have time to do fundraising. My window of healing is now. Neither Glen nor I are working right now, so it is very scary thinking about trying to make the minimum payments when the bills start coming in until we can get back to work.
Cancer scares the heck out of me! The kind of credit card debt we're about to get ourselves into scares me almost as much.
I can't help but fantasize about the Wealthy Benefactor blessing us with the whole $34,000, but realistically, most of us are living paycheck to paycheck and I will be grateful for the smallest amount anyone can contribute towards just helping make credit card payments. I don't take for granted how much life force you spent earning it.
Most of all, I treasure your prayers.
Thank you so much for considering my humble request.