Creighton Fertility Care Practitioner
There is an extensive need in the Portland/Vancouver area for natural family planning (also known as fertility awareness methods) classes and instruction! I hope to help women and couples learn how to understand and chart the Creighton Model of family planning.
Creighton is a scientifically proven way of monitoring a woman's fertile pattern to help in the diagnosis and treatment of health problems that contribute to infertility and illnesses, as well as achieve AND avoid pregnancy with 99% method effectiveness.
The 13-month training program begins in June, and I must raise $3500 for tuition and books, and $500 for travel expenses to participate.
Please help me become a certified Creighton Model practitioner. Your donations and prayers are greatly appreciated!
If I am unable to raise the tuition money by May 31, then I will continue fundraising and join another class later this year. Your donations will not be wasted!