Japanese Food & Supplies for Maui Relief
Donation protected
The explanation for the English version is in the second half.(英訳は、後半にあります。)
直近では11月22日から25日にマウイ島Honokowai Beach Parkにて炊き出しを行うために必要な材料費、調理器具、食器等の費用のご支援を募ります。
アロハ! 私の名前は川畑泰弘です。日本の大阪出身で、現在ホノルルに住んでいます。
8月8日に発生した山火事により被害を受けられた皆様方に心よりお見舞い申し上げます。 また、山火事により亡くなられた方々のご遺族に対し、心よりお悔やみを申し上げます。
私が小学生の頃、隣家の火災により実家が全焼し、助けてくれた近所の人や親戚への感謝と辛さ、両親の苦労を目の当たりにした経験から、 このような出来事が起こった際、困っている人たちへの支援活動を都度行ってきました。
8月4日に発生した山火事で歴史ある町「ラハイナ」が一夜にして焼失し、多くの人が被害を受けたことをホノルルで知りました。 私にできることは何かと考え、ウォルマートで300ドル相当のおむつと生理用品などを購入し、家にあった衣類と合わせて8月10日に州議会議事堂前の寄付の受付に届けました。 寄付をした際、具体的にどこに届くのか確認できませんでした。 また、数種類の団体に25ドルから50ドルを分散して寄付しましたが、そのお金がどこに使われているのか分からず不安でした。
そこで、自分の目で確かめるため、フェイスブックやインスタグラムを使い、マウイ島の災害情報を探し、マウイ島在住日本人グループに呼びかけたところ、親切なひとりの日本人が調べてくれました。 その人と会い、少しずつ友達の輪が広がっていきました。 2カ所の支援センターに絞り具体的な情報を収集しました。
ラハイナ近郊のHonokowai にある支援センターのリーダーがフェイスブックで支援を呼びかけていたので、実際にお会いしたところ、災害現場で誠実に活動されている様子を拝見しました。救援物資を届けた際には日本国旗の掲揚の申し出があり、親日的な姿勢を感じました。
1) 骨なしチキン: 400ポンド - 600ポンド
2) 焼きそば用麺:500袋(500人分)
3) 玉ねぎ: 200 - 360個
4) にんじん: 80 - 100ポンド
5) セロリ: 100 - 300本
6) じゃがいも: 100 - 150ポンド
7) もやし: 30 - 50ポンド
8)キャベツ: 70 - 100ポンド
9) 米: 200ポンド - 300ポンド
水曜日(11月22日) - チキンカレーライス
木曜日(11月23日) - チキン&オニオンボウル
金曜日(11月24日) - 焼きそば
土曜日(11月25日) - チキン生姜焼き
日曜日(11月26日) - チキンカレーライス
現時点では1~2日分の食料を供給できる状況です。 当初計画の5日間の炊き出しを実現するには、皆様のご支援が必要です。
【the purpose】
We will provide supplies and support for a soup kitchen for those affected by the Maui wildfires. Most recently, from September 5th to 10th, we procured supplies using donations and delivered them to two support centers. We are now seeking donations to cover the cost of materials, cooking utensils, tableware, etc. needed to run a soup kitchen at Honokowai Beach Park on Maui Island from November 22nd to 25th. We will continue to provide soup kitchens.
Aloha! My name is Yasuhiro Kawabata. I am originally from Osaka, Japan, and currently live in Honolulu.
We would like to express our deepest sympathies to everyone affected by the wildfires that occurred on August 8th. We would also like to express our deepest condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in the wildfires.
When I was an elementary school student, my parents' house burned down due to a fire at our neighbor's house, and from the experience of being grateful to our neighbors and relatives who helped us, and witnessing my parents' hardships, I came to realize that when something like this happens, we have always carried out support activities for people in need.
While living in Honolulu, I learned that the historic town of Lahaina was destroyed overnight by a wildfire that occurred on August 4th, and many people were affected.
Thinking about what I could do, I bought $300 worth of diapers and sanitary products at Walmart and delivered them, along with clothing I had at home, to the donation area in front of the State Capitol building on August 10th.
When I made the donation, I was not able to confirm exactly where it would be delivered.
I also donated between $25 and $50 to several different organizations, but I was worried because I did not know where the money was going.
So, to see for myself, I used Facebook and Instagram to search for disaster relief information on Maui, and when I called up a group of Japanese people living on Maui, a kind-hearted Japanese person looked it up for me. I met that person and my circle of friends gradually expanded. We collected specific information on two support centers.
The leader of the support center in Honokowai, near Lahaina, was calling for support using Facebook, so I met him in person and saw how he was working sincerely at the disaster site.
When the relief supplies were delivered, they offered to raise the Japanese flag, which gave me a sense of their pro-Japanese attitude.
Combining the donations, we received this time and our own donations, we procured supplies worth a total of $3,800 from Walmart, Daiso, and Costco on Maui, and delivered them to two relief centers in several installments.
Currently, water shortages continue in Honokowai, but aid and volunteer activities are being conducted across Maui, and overall supply deliveries are gradually stabilizing.
I started thinking about the next steps and produced a soup kitchen plan.
1) Now that supplies are available to a certain extent and we are starting to get a sense that people are feeling some relief both physically and mentally, I want people to feel the happiness that comes from eating.
2) Some people are saying that they are getting tired of eating American food every meal while living in a hotel (evacuation center) and want to eat delicious Japanese food.
I immediately consulted with John, a Honokowai community leader, about running a soup kitchen, and he introduced me to someone in charge of charitable donations, and we had a meeting. I do not know what will happen in the future, but I received feedback that it was possible, so I decided to do it myself.
We also hope that, through this activity, the people of Maui can learn a little bit about the food culture of Japan.
When I calculated the cost of the materials needed, I realized that it would be quite expensive.
The cost for five hundred meals a day is approximately $2,000 (including ingredients, paper products, cooking utensils, gas, etc.), and approximately $10,000 for five days (not including volunteer labor and transportation costs).
◇Ingredients needed for cooking
1) Boneless chicken: 400 lbs - 600 lbs
2) Yakisoba noodles: 500 bags (for 500 people)
3) Onions: 200 - 360 pieces
4) Carrots: 80 - 100 pounds
5) Celery: 100 - 300 pieces
6) Potatoes: 100 - 150 pounds
7) Sprouts: 30 - 50 pounds
8) Cabbage: 70 - 100 pounds
9) Rice: 200 lbs - 300 lbs
*Curry roux, seasoning, paper tableware, and consumables will be procured with donations
*Cooking utensils will be provided free of charge
◇Food menu (Japanese food)
- Wednesday (November 22nd) - Chicken curry rice
- Thursday (November 23rd) - Chicken & Onion Bowl
- Friday (November 24th) - Yakisoba
- Saturday (November 25th) - Grilled chicken with ginger
- Sunday (November 26th) - Chicken curry rice
At present, we can supply enough food for one to two days. To sustain a 5-day soup kitchen, our original plan, we need your support.
To secure funds for ingredients, cooking utensils, tableware, etc. to conduct the soup kitchen as planned, we would appreciate the support from everyone viewing this page.
Regarding this project, we would like to continue to report the progress and activities on social media and websites.
We appreciate your cooperation and support.
Fundraising team (2)

Yasuhiro Kawabata
Lahaina, HI
Takeshi Kawaguchi
Team member