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Legal expenses

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Cpl. (Ret.) Cort is a Marine Corps combat veteran who lost his legs in Ramadi, Iraq December 7th, 2005. On The afternoon of October 21st, 2022, Cpl (Ret.) Cort was working in his yard cleaning and clearing debris for the county CAUV program, when a neighbor accosted him over damage to a 30 yr old fence. She called the local sheriffs office who came to investigate the call. Cpl. (Ret.) Cort tried speaking with the officer from a distance which did not appease the officer who decided to come onto his property with 2 more officers after being told by Cpl. (Ret.)Cort that his presence was not welcomed on said property. After numerous times of telling the officers to get off the property in which the officers failed to comply, Cpl. (Ret.)Cort decided to leave the scene and had his path blocked by the officers several times and was assaulted by them. He spent 3 days in jail, not given his medication ( he is diabetic.) nor proper dietary meals. He was initially charged with assault on a peace officer a felony and several other misdemeanors. The felony was dropped and he still has to fight the misdemeanors, and clear his name. This case is ongoing and any help to fight for his civil rights is appreciated. Thank you.


  • Vontrell Mcswain
    • $5
    • 1 yr
  • Rachel Edwards
    • $25
    • 1 yr
  • Loretta Dye
    • $20
    • 1 yr
  • Alexander Chou
    • $20
    • 1 yr
  • Melissa Chrishophey
    • $5
    • 1 yr


Sam C.
Reynoldsburg, OH

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt