Help save dogs in Japan
Donation protected
New Dawn Dog Network is a non-profit, no-kill, volunteer association primarily focused in the Kanto area. We are a small group of individuals whose life mission is to rescue and rehome as many dogs as possible regardless of any challenge - dogs that face euthanasia in animal welfare centers, dogs that are in need of new homes due to their owner's personal circumstances, and dogs that may suffer from abuse, abandonment or neglect.
Through our thorough adoption process, we are able to find the suitable and loving homes for our dogs. We make sure to educate our prospective adopters about the adoption process and the needs of the individual dogs, as well as offer follow-up support to ease the transition for both dog and new family.
With the dog overpopulation issue in Japan, we are sure to neuter and spay all dogs within our care. We are partnered with an excellent veterinarian group in order to provide all healthcare and treatment necessary. Our caring and patient network of foster families along with the board members, with diverse nationality, age, background, and unbiased knowledge are there to help the dogs with rehabilitation and prepare them for their forever homes.
Finally, we are continuing to build relationships with other rescues and humane organizations to develop a network of supporters and volunteers in order to give a new dawn for dogs in need.
We are seeking funds to become officially incorporated as a non-profit general incorporated association. The cost of incorporation is 500,000 yen, and any remaining funds from donations shall be allocated to our operational expenses, including, but not limited to veterinary bills, daily need expenses for our rescues and events to promote our cause. Our most ideal time frame is to complete our crowdfunding goal in November in order to become incorporated in December. However, we are willing to readjust based on funding.
New Dawn Dog Network(読み:ニュー・ドーン・ドッグ・ネットワーク ※以下、「当団体」と表記)は関東圏を中心に殺処分に反対する非営利の動物保護団体です。動物愛護施設で安楽死に直面する犬、飼い主の個人的な事情に起因し新たな住処を必要とする犬、虐待・遺棄・ネグレクトに苦しむ等の苦境に立たされた犬を救い、新たな家族や住処を見つける為、規模こそ小さいものの、強い使命感と共に、如何なる困難にも立ち向かう事を厭わない団体です。
New Dawn Dog Network is a non-profit, no-kill, volunteer association primarily focused in the Kanto area. We are a small group of individuals whose life mission is to rescue and rehome as many dogs as possible regardless of any challenge - dogs that face euthanasia in animal welfare centers, dogs that are in need of new homes due to their owner's personal circumstances, and dogs that may suffer from abuse, abandonment or neglect.
Through our thorough adoption process, we are able to find the suitable and loving homes for our dogs. We make sure to educate our prospective adopters about the adoption process and the needs of the individual dogs, as well as offer follow-up support to ease the transition for both dog and new family.
With the dog overpopulation issue in Japan, we are sure to neuter and spay all dogs within our care. We are partnered with an excellent veterinarian group in order to provide all healthcare and treatment necessary. Our caring and patient network of foster families along with the board members, with diverse nationality, age, background, and unbiased knowledge are there to help the dogs with rehabilitation and prepare them for their forever homes.
Finally, we are continuing to build relationships with other rescues and humane organizations to develop a network of supporters and volunteers in order to give a new dawn for dogs in need.
We are seeking funds to become officially incorporated as a non-profit general incorporated association. The cost of incorporation is 500,000 yen, and any remaining funds from donations shall be allocated to our operational expenses, including, but not limited to veterinary bills, daily need expenses for our rescues and events to promote our cause. Our most ideal time frame is to complete our crowdfunding goal in November in order to become incorporated in December. However, we are willing to readjust based on funding.
New Dawn Dog Network(読み:ニュー・ドーン・ドッグ・ネットワーク ※以下、「当団体」と表記)は関東圏を中心に殺処分に反対する非営利の動物保護団体です。動物愛護施設で安楽死に直面する犬、飼い主の個人的な事情に起因し新たな住処を必要とする犬、虐待・遺棄・ネグレクトに苦しむ等の苦境に立たされた犬を救い、新たな家族や住処を見つける為、規模こそ小さいものの、強い使命感と共に、如何なる困難にも立ち向かう事を厭わない団体です。
Roy Thomas W
Schnecksville, PA