Help for Ellie
I am raising funds for a beautiful girl called Ellie.
Ellie tragically has been diagnosed with RhabdoMysacoma (RMS) a rare form of cancer. She has to go to Sheffield Children's Hospital (who are amazing) twice a week for tests and chemotherapy. Every 3rd week she has an intensive session of 3 days of chemotherapy when she has to stay in. She also has been admitted to hospital for additional stays due to complications from treatment and surgical procedures.
Ellie has sadly been taken back into hospital last night, with what looks like an infection.
As you can imagine this is terrible time for the family. What with all the hospital trips to Sheffield numerous times a week, parking, food etc it all has a knock on effect.
The funds I am raising is to help with fuel, parking costs etc, and anything they need for Ellie to keep her as comfortable, and occupied as they possible can while she is in hospital having her treatment.