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coming together

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I am hoping that we can all come together and help our friends Bill & Sharon get back to living a life that all of us are experiencing or like Bill & Sharon have experienced in the past. In order for us to understand how Bill & Sharon ended up in this financial situation, let me explan to you the best I can.

   Sharon worked for John Howard bringing kids with addictions into their home to detox them,stabilize them and save their lives. She did this for years but was released from her position due to her illness of MS. Then Sharon & Bill brought Foster kids into their home for a few years, however Sharon's health declined and Bill was suddenly admitted to the hospital and was place in ICU for 2 weeks because of heart problems. Bill was diagnosed with Heart Failure. Bill & Sharon have to give up fostering as Bill's diagnoses is irreversable damage to 50% of his will never get better, it will only get worse...Sharon applied for CPP Disability but was declined twice, she was on provincial disability for 7 years and after she and Bill started living together, she cut herself off because she didn't want to lie about them living together and keep collecting those benefits. CPP has said that because she had not contributed to CPP for the past 7 years she is not entitled to CPP Disability. Bill is unable to work, his disability is only a fraction of what his regular income would be. Bill has been on no income since he was hospitalized in June and is just now recieving some disability payments. Bill & Sharon are not only behind on everything, they are now at risk of losing their home let alone all the stress compounding on their health. Thanks to you all for taking the time to read this about their issues and altough Bill & Sharon have been my closest friends I am hoping that they fit into all your lives somewhere too. I can't thank those of you enough for contributing and for those that don't, we totally understand.....

Larry & Kathy


  • Larry Hodgson
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Larry Hodgson
Port Alberni, BC
Bill Walters

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