Share the Warmth
Electricity credits are given to all households in three installments. This energy credit is NOT means tested.
The first payment will be made in November 2022. The second electricity credit will be made in January 2023. The third will be made in March 2023.
Do you think another family would benefit more from your credits? Please Pass on the energy credit bonus to people in need.
WHY should you share the warmth?
Higher energy bills will move working families into hidden poverty this Winter. You can help stop this.
WHERE will the money go?
ALL donations will go directly to the ringfenced energy fund at St Vincent de Paul. All money is given to people who need it in energy vouchers. You will help directly pay someone's energy bill.
Our focus is on these working families. People who are doing everything possible to look like nothing is wrong. You truly never know what is going on in someone's life. People living in Ireland are proud. Only when they hit rock bottom, do they ask.
All funds will be donated to SVP because they are the first port of call for working families who don't know where to go.
CURRENT issues for working families
"I’m working, so I don’t know whether you can help us."
Nessan Vaughan, who chairs SVP’s national social justice committee, said: “You’ll have someone say ‘I’ve worked all my life, I’ve been a donor, I’m ashamed I have to come to you’, because for some who come to us it may represent a low in their life.”
"This is an increasingly common thing. People are coming forward for help, be it due to unsustainable rents, falling into arrears on energy bills or even paying for food.
Last year, St Vincent de Paul said it received 190,000 calls from members of the public, a record number they expect to see broken again this year.
“We’re seeing an increase in middle-income households who are just financially squeezed,” she said, adding that low-income families are also accessing their services in big numbers.
This gofundme is not affiliated with any political party.
You'll get a warm glow in return for doing a great thing when you donate your energy credits.
Donate all 600 euros today or donate in three parts as the free energy money credit arrives in your bank account. Every euro helps.
If you think another family would benefit more from your free energy credits...share the warmth and donate today. Please.
All funds will be transferred to the ringfenced Energy fund at SVP. All money is given to people who need it in energy vouchers. Pay-as-you-go and bill pay customers can use these vouchers.
Your generosity is deeply appreciated. SVP Head office has approved this Share the Warmth fundraiser.
Sine Dunne
County Dublin
The Sunshine Fund- Society of Saint Vincent de Paul