Help Hank Walk Again
On the morning of July 22 I received a frantic phone call from my mother, who washeaded to work in North Portland and came off the exit to see this big boy come flying in mid air over the overpass. Given the significance of his injuries and the research gone into pin pointing the location and access, it appears he was thrown from the overpass. At this point I will say allegedly as we do not know who it was or have a description. Given his injuries most Good Samaritans and veterinary clinics would have euthanized this boy, but my parents wanted to give him a fighting chance and given I work at a veterinary hospital with amazing collegues, we are able to perform most of his care. After examination and xrays it was determined there was surprisingly no internal bleeding and immediate life threatening injuries, but on the other hand he has severe ligament tears in both of his ankles making him unable to walk, broken metatarsals which require weekly splint changes for 4-6 wks and 2 fractured K’9. After a week of TLC, pain medications to keep him comfortable and a couple visits to see his new veterinary friends look what a difference a week makes ! (First photo is shortly after the incident & today 1 wk later) We are now calling him Hank and are starting to see his personality come out ! He is the absolute sweetest and is only between 1-2 yrs old so this boy deserves a second chance at a good life ! Today a colleague was able to speak with a mobile surgeon who is offering to come into our hopsital and perform the joint fusion surgeries that Hank will need to get him walking again, and at professional discount of $3500 for both legs. We will need to provide anesthesia and tech services, which yours truly is happy to do ! This was such amazing news !!! All bets were point at double that ! Hank’s doctors are stating this could be curative and he could go on to lead a happy healthy productive life after surgery. With your generous donations we are hoping to cover the initial emergency care cost, xrays, weekly bandage changes, meds, surgeries, therapies after surgery and any other unexpected expenses incurred. Any proceeds above and beyond what Hank needs will be donated to a rescue that my veterinary hospital works directly with. If you are more comfortable donating directly to his care through Willamette Valley Animal Hospital in Tualatin please do so. #503-692-3300 he is becoming pretty popular and is almost a house hold name these days, he is under Stray/Hank Nichols. ❤️