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help a wounded Deputy Sheriff

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Hello my name is Joshua Casarez and I am raising this money for a co-worker. He is Deputy Sheriff Walter Harlee. He has just had his right leg from the knee dow amputated, he was miss diagnosed by doctors and when it was found that it was a blood clot in his leg it was to late to save his leg, gangrene had already spread. He has 15 years on the job with the bexar county sheriffs office, which is enough to retire considering he is 60 years old. But the retirement check would not be enough to Cover his expenses. Any and all help would mean the world to him. God bless all who can reach into their pocket and give what you can. Thank you.


  • joshua casarez
    • $300
    • 9 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Joshua Casarez
San Antonio, TX
Walter Harlee

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