Unfortunately We Are Still Homeless
Donation protected
Most everyone knows we lost our home in August 2016, and have been homeless ever since! Despite our continuous efforts to secure a stable home, even getting down to the point of finding two places and being mislead ,thinking we have finally found a stable home, both were given away by realtors because they were offered more money (greed) than the actual proposed rent, we again were cheated out of places that were literally promised to our family. During this period of time we have been living between our vehicle and when we can afford it ,inexpensive motel/hotels. Also in December 2016 our vehicle was viciously broke into breaking our windshield and our driver side sliding glass door window where if someone were to sit in the backseat behind the driver that's where the entrance would've been and that total window had to be replaced it was a major damage to us! The thieves took very, very important papers that affected our lives ,all of our lives including papers that affected our mom and our disabled brothers Disability information and rights that they both very much needed for rights of passage. Infact one of the hotels that we stayed at violated our disability rights and if we had that information on us at that time,we could've presented it to the hotel staff/managers where we were staying because we were certainly violated!!! Our mother, Inez,has major health issues along with our sibling which limits them the ability to perform certain tasks which have been very stressful for all of us. Our mom have an emergency hospitalization back in November 2016 in which emergency surgery had to be performed on her with her Pancreas and her Gallbladder, she was there a period of six days. Because of other major health issues her healing process has been very slow and her Immune system is very weak. We don't have the funds to make sure everyone eats healthy. She uses the funds that we do have on the things that really count , like securing rooms for us all, she uses everything she has to help no questions asked, we see she is extremely stressed she sits up all night unable to rest worrying about trying to make sure we are OK. My older sister and I are college students and both are gainfully employed we just don't make enough income together to really make ends meet. We need help pls,money for gas, medicine, healthy food, lodging expenses, moving expenses,once we secure a place to call home the basic nothing is a want, everything that we are asking for it's certainly a need. We definitely could use words of encouragement all the time and we certainly "Trust our Grand Creator" we do that off the top
Thanks in advance, Sketch and Shay
We will definitely pay it forward in the great words of my mother always, with much love
P.S. Amber Lee (Journalist for KTVU2) Did a story that I requested for her to do for the Humanitarian acts of John Muir hospital during my stay and she also covered our families homeless situation⭐️
Thanks in advance, Sketch and Shay
We will definitely pay it forward in the great words of my mother always, with much love
P.S. Amber Lee (Journalist for KTVU2) Did a story that I requested for her to do for the Humanitarian acts of John Muir hospital during my stay and she also covered our families homeless situation⭐️
Shay Monroe
Antioch, CA