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Kim's Journey (medical expenses)

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My sister Kim was recently diagnosed with a severe, aggresive form of cancer.  She is the loving mother of 3, with 3 young grandchildren.  Due to health issues and a declining economy, work has been tough.  She faces a difficult road with many treatments that will be costly not just finacially but phisically as well. The costs of co-pays is very challenging and adding to the tremendous stress that cancer already causes. I am reaching out to those that I love and respect and begging for help. I have asked for so much already in prayers but have found a renewed belief in the goodness of people.  If you are unable to donate, I understand, and I ask that you continue to pray for healing and peace. Money will not replace the goodness and grace of a loving God. God Bless You. I love you all so much.


  • "Putts and Pints for Kim"
    • $955
    • 10 yrs


Staci Hamblin Brady
Victorville, CA

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