Baby Carter's NICU Fund
Donation protected

Many people have asked how they might help Matt and Katie during this trying time, and the Hoffman's first response has been pray for us and Carter. Thankfully, Carter appears to be doing better little by little but still has a long way to go, so keep praying.
Another way to help the Hoffman Family is to give a donation to a medical fund which will help defray the medical costs. You may not know this but a day's stay in a NICU can cost anywhere from $7K to $15K a day. Carter will likely stay in the NICU for many more weeks- possibly until he reaches his 40th week. If you do the math you will see that this is a big number.
You can make a donation in a special account that has been set up in Carter's name at Bank First in Ormond Beach. To give to "Carter's Special Account" please make checks payable to this account name and mail them to: Bank First, 1240 West Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL 32174. OR you can donate right here to this website!
I know Matt and Katie will be very thankful for your generosity.
To keep up with Baby Carter's daily progress, please visit:
Kristen Mayhle
Parkville, MD