So this gofundme stuff totally takes me out of my comfort zone - which one would think being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the spring would have already happened, right?
To get you up to speed, I was diagnosed in April with pancreatic cancer, have undergone 6 months of chemotherapy but the tumor continues to grow. At this point we are looking at a clinical trial that uses some new drugs, or switching up my chemo drug regime.
No matter what, I've been so blessed to be supported by so many - family, friends and my amazing Old Navy team! So many people have reached out and asked how to help (those of you who know me well know I prefer to be on that side of a situation). So it's been highly recommended that I set up this account, as another way that those who are looking for a way to help have another option. It really is surprising how quickly those medical bills can add up.
More than anything, I ask for your continued prayers - that I have the strength to fight this battle and peace in my heart during the process.
God bless each of you!