Promise for a Purpose
Tax deductible
Who we are
We are a group of five students at the University of Tennessee Knoxville looking to help make a positive change in our community. We want to help make an impact on the lives of homeless families in Knoxville. As a group, we are deeply committed to making a tangible difference for people experiencing homelessness by raising money for a non-profit organization called Family Promise of Knoxville. We hope by partnering with Family Promise of Knoxville, we can help give these families a fresh start and foster sustainable solutions to help these families combat homelessness.
Family Promise of Knoxville is a (501)(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1986. Their goal is to provide essential resources, support, and opportunities for families in need. Family Promise strives to provide a community-based response that empowers and equips families experiencing homelessness and housing-instability to achieve sustainable independence. They are able to house homeless families at the Family Promise shelter and provide them with their own rooms, bathrooms, closets and a shared living space and kitchen to help them maintain normalcy. They also help provide transitional housing and help work with families to gain financial independence and remain that way to be successful. In addition, Family Promise provides emergency housing which includes churches or hotel rooms for dire situations.
What we Need:
We are seeking financial contributions in order to help Family Promise supply secure housing to families in need. Our goal is to raise $1000 for this organization in the next month. If we reach our goal, it will enable us to fund 10 nights of hotel rooms for families in emergency situations. A mere $100 donation is equal to one night a family of four will be provided a safe space and a roof over their head. Not only will families be provided with safety because of your donation, but they will be provided with a sense of relief and much needed quality family time with each other.
One night might not seem like a lot, but this one night is crucial to these families. It is a vital stepping stone in beating homelessness as it allows a chance for people to think about the next step in their path, and it allows them access to necessary resources. Providing temporary shelter can prevent individuals and families from becoming homeless in the first place. By intervening early and offering support during times of crisis, Family Promise can help people avoid the downward spiral of homelessness and its associated challenges.

How it Helps:
With the help of Organizations such as Family Promise of Knoxville, there has been a 22% decrease in homelessness in the Knoxville community since last year. Your donations, no matter how big or small, WILL make a difference. Although the number is going down, there are still many families who still need your support. There are over 900 homeless people living in our community who you can help give a chance to a better life. The majority of the homeless population in Knoxville is due to housing instability, meaning they were either evicted or could not find affordable housing. Family Promise of Knoxville is providing these families with a roof over their heads, so they can have a chance of a happier and healthier future.

How Else You Can Help:
While monetary donations are appreciated, there are many ways you can help Family Promise of Knoxville. Their organization is always looking for volunteers to help with things from serving meals, to providing financial literacy training, to assisting with fundraising events. Volunteers play an essential role in helping families experiencing homelessness attain sustainable independence. In addition to volunteering, Family Promise takes donations in many forms such as groceries, gift cards, cleaning supplies, toiletries, baby-products, over-the-counter medicine, etc. Family Promise hosts fun events which raise money for their cause, but the easiest way for you to help is to share information about Family Promise. Whether that is through social media or word of mouth, there are so many ways you can help this crucial Knoxville organization.
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Fundraising team (4)
Arina Malancea
Knoxville, TN
Family Promise of Knoxville
Kate Masters
Team member
Sean Baker
Team member
Skylar Garvin
Team member