My Guts Tried To Kill Me!
Help With Sudden Medical Bills Desperately Required.
The picture on this page is a shot of me and my daughter Maggie, taken by my wife Laura in February, when I was unexpectedly hospitalized with a sudden infection.
At the risk of giving you too much information, it was serious. A severe case of diverticulitis which resulted in the removal of 12 inches of my colon, and a secondary severe abdominal abscess, which they thankfully caught before it burst (which, I am told, would have likely resulted in severe enough peritonitis to kill me). This resulted in a 9-day hospital stay, and a long recovery period involving at-home nurse care and a secondary operation scheduled for the end of April to repair the colon (with another week-long stay in the hospital). In short "” it's bad.
I'm a writer and game designer, and my business, Adamant Entertainment is a sole proprietorship -- and when I'm incapacitated, so is the business... and therefore my income.
The medical bills are astronomical. The total bill for my hospital stay was over 56 thousand dollars -- and that's not counting the visiting nurse care, or the forthcoming follow-up surgery and hospital stay. We're lucky enough to have insurance covering a lot of that, but the bills are still piling up: Not just the unexpected medical bills, but the regular day-to-day stuff: utilities, rent, food... and with me unable to finish work on long-awaited projects, the money just isn't coming in.
Which is where (hopefully) you kind folks come in. I could really use your help.
Any assistance would be a godsend. I don't have any ideas for Reward Levels at the moment -- I can't think of anything I have to offer at present, but I will definitely try to do something for folks who help (and I'm certainly willing to take suggestions, as well -- so drop me a line if you have any ideas).
We're asking for $5000, which will take care of a good chunk of our steadily-mounting bills.
To sum up:
My Guts Tried To Kill Me. I Survived, And I Need Your Help.
Thank you for reading, and for any help you can provide.