Precious Porter
Hello everyone,
I am asking for donations to help pay for the funeral and memorial service of my niece, Precious Porter.
On July 18, 2020, Precious drowned in the Kern River. Though it is with great sadness, Precious will be remembered in our hearts forever.
Precious Ann Janay Porter was born on May 21, 2006, and was 14 years old. Precious was a sweet person and truly beautiful inside and out. Precious was creative, intelligent, and loved school. Precious attended Pauly Elementary School, and had recently graduated from the 8th grade at Sequoia Middle School. At Sequoia, Precious was a straight A student, cheerleader, in Project Lead The Way, and she was an overall great student and friend. Precious was also honored by BCSD for having perfect attendance from Kindergarten to the 8th grade. Precious would have attended South High School, and had plans of studying sociology at USC for college.
Precious was also very family oriented. Precious leaves behind 10 siblings; 4 brothers and 6 sisters, who all love her dearly. Precious was truly PRECIOUS... in every way, and we will love her always.
Thank you for your donations. Myself and my family truly appreciate the love and support. Please contact me if you have any questions.