Home lost in Alameda fire
The alameda fire destroyed my mother and her partners home it was a fast and hot fire that has destroyed everything that they owned they didn’t get away with anything but two of their animals and the clothes on their backs. My mother and her partner were both at work when the fire started so there was no time to pack up anything. Their home was along pacific highway off of Hartley and we still haven’t been able to get to the home to look for any items. We are all so devastated at the result of the fire and are still looking for three of our beloved cats. We are so thankful a few wonderful strangers took food to the property to see if we could find our kitties. Eclipse and Taj are two of the strongest loving people I know. They have helped guide me through life even when I had my own crazy disaster last year when my son had a drowning accident. I created this gofundme to try to help them start over and pick up the pieces of their life like they have for me.
venmo is Taj-Northington-1