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Greg's Road to Recovery

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Greg was out for a motorcycle ride with his friends on a Sunday afternoon when he and another rider were struck by an out of control pick up truck.  Both men were life flighted to the hospital due to the seriousness of their conditions.  Greg endured breaks to the entire right side of his body. As he always did, Greg was wearing a helmet so there were no head injuries.  He has already gone through surgery for his hip and leg but due to badly damaged skin on his foot and some other complications, the rest of the surgeries are on hold. 

The medical bills are already starting to add up and there will be a lot more expenses on the road to recovery.  In addition to medical bills, at-home help and alterations to their house to accomodate a wheelchair will also incur unexpected expenses for Greg and his wife, Maureen.  

Greg has always been the first in line to help out a friend when in need.  He is a Vietname Vet who served four years in the Navy.  After his service, he worked numerous jobs until returning to school to get his teaching degree.  Greg taught for the Pittsburgh Public School system until retirement.  He has been riding motorcycles  for almost four decades and has made numerous cross country trips on his bike.  His motorcycle days are behind him now but we are hoping he will have a full recovery and be back on his feet.


  • Brian Mugo
    • $20
    • 7 yrs


Jerry Schmotzer
St. Augustine, FL

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