On January 6th, 2019 our 7yr. old son Daniel was diagnosed with Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia(cancer), after having high fevers for the month of December and being taken to the hospitals here in the Imperial Valley we where just told he had the flu, and were told to give him Tylenol and Motrin. As the days went by he got worse with out eating and just being tired all the time, (being he was a very active kid and very good eater also), to having prolonged nose bleeds we (mom and dad) decided to take him to Rady's Children's hospital, as they admitted him they started doing X-Rays, labs and plenty of more test, within the hour we were given the news that would change our life for ever, "Your son Daniel has CANCER!" our world collapsed. Being a family of 6 (mom, dad, and four boys ages 7 Daniel, 6, and 5 year old twins, all boys) the situation has gotten emotionally, physically and economically hard being that we have to be taking him to S.D for treatments (Chemotherapy). Everything that we collect will be used for his medical and travel expenses. The most important thing we ask for, is for your prayers. Thank you from the Ixpata family.