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Help Raleigh, David, and Lyla

Donación protegida
In August of 2018, Raleigh and David learned that their unborn son has a diaphragmatic hernia that will require surgery at Children’s Hospitals Boston once he’s born in January. At risk for pre term labor, Raleigh will have to stay in Boston starting in December until their son comes home hopefully sometime in February. 

Any donation will help cover travel, food, co pays, and housing expenses and is extremely appreciated.


Due to more complications during her pregnancy, Raleigh ended up moving to Boston November 1st and Nico Joseph Jones was born December 9th, 2018 at 4:33 in the afternoon. 

Nico was immediately transferred from Brigham & Women’s Hospital to Children’s Hospital where he has spent the past few days gaining enough strength to undergo an eventual surgery.

Every few steps forward he takes, he takes one back and is currently intubated and heavily sedated. Both Raleigh and David have been unable to hold their son yet, only being able to stroke his forehead when he can tolerate being touched. 

Raleigh underwent another c section and has hard an extremely difficult time with her recovery, having to stay and extra few days in the hospital to help with
pain management and regaining strength. 

Raleigh, David, Lyla, and Nico are very grateful for the continued  support, whether it be financial or emotional, and appreciate the love they’ve already received from the community both near and far.

**UPDATE February**

Nico is still in the hospital as of February 2019, and we don’t expect to be home to Martha’s Vineyard until mid-March. He’s finally moved off of the Intensive Care Unit, and mom, dad, and big sister all love taking turns holding him! He’s been making leaps and bounds since getting his breathing tube out, and the family cannot wait to be home with their son.


  • Anónimo
    • $1,000
    • 5 yrs


Raleigh Russell
Tisbury, MA

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