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Lymphedema surgery

Doação protegida
I need my friends help. I need my second lymphedema surgery to remove the lymph proteins in my swollen leg. Thank you to all of you that helped with the first surgery! The health industry doesn't help lymphedema patients. Even patients born with it. If you can't send money please get involved and learn about the Lymphedema Treatment act that we are trying to get passed to help so many others that are suffering.


  • Beverly Phifer
    • $500
    • 6 anos
  • Anônimo
    • $100
    • 9 anos
  • Wendy Wiessner
    • $50
    • 9 anos
  • Cheryl's Birthday money
    • $200 (doação off-line)
    • 9 anos
  • Barbara and Ron Erpelding
    • $2000 (doação off-line)
    • 9 anos


Cheryl Erpelding
Descanso, CA

Seu lugar confiável, poderoso e fácil para obter ajuda

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    Sua doação é protegida pela Garantia de Doação GoFundMe