Friends of Hiroki
In October 2019, our friend Hiroki Wakabayashi was diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer, Multiple Myeloma. His treatment plan will begin at the beginning of November, 2019. Hiroki has a very challenging road to recovery ahead of him over the next several months and he needs our help!
発起人 John Kosobud より:
2019年10月、私たちの友達、若林弘紀は難治性の血液癌である多発性骨髄腫と診断されました。彼の治療は2019年11月に開始されます。弘紀には今後数か月以上、回復への辛い道のりが待っています。だから彼には助けが必要なんです!For those that know Hiroki, he is an extremely hard working professional goalie coach that has traveled around the world helping hockey goalies of all ages from youth to pro reach their potential. Continuously researching and pursuing new and innovative ways to improve goalie performance is his passion. Without being able to work on the ice at his camps over the next several months, it will cause a serious financial hardship for him until he is well enough to work again. This is where we can help!
Hiroki with his friend, skating guru, Boris Dorozhenko (弘紀と彼の友人であるスケーティングコーチ、ボリス・ドロジェンコ)Hiroki with International Ice Hockey Federation Vice President, Mr. Thomas Wu(弘紀と国際アイスホッケー連盟副会長トーマス・ウー)
Hiroki working with the ex-NHL goalie Yutaka Fukufuji(元NHLゴーリー福藤豊と共にキャンプで指導をする弘紀)
Hiroki working with the goalie coaching legend Francois Allaire in his annual camp in Czech(弘紀の友人でゴーリーコーチレジェンド、フランソワ・アレールのチェコキャンプにて)
Hiroki with his friends Shjon Podein and Boris Dorozhenko(弘紀と彼の友達、ショーン・ポディーンとボリス・ドロジェンコ)
Hiroki celebrating a win with the Hong Kong Women's National Team(香港女子代表チームの勝利を祝う弘紀)
By his side, his wife Jun, travels with him and helps him manage his coaching business. Jun can do anything! Really anything! And I know she will take good care of Hiroki as he sets off on his treatment and road to recovery.
弘紀の横に居るのは妻の淳子です。淳子は弘紀と一緒に旅をしながら彼のコーチ業を支えています。淳子は何でもできるんですよ。本当に、何でも!そして淳子は弘紀の治療と回復の道のりで、しっかりと彼の世話をしてくれるということを、私は知ってます。As friends of Hiroki, please consider a monetary donation to help them financially as they take on his serious health challenges over the next several months. Thank you!