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8hr Yoga Marathon - Kidney Kickstart Fund

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Next month is Kidney world health day and I'm excited to share a personal challenge with you all to support this cause, and one that is close to my heart.

The Story:
As you may be aware, Jason (my brother, mentor, and teacher at my studio) has been suffering a kidney condition for years. In 2014, Jason started practicing yoga at Bikram Yoga Mill Park. He committed to his practice and became one of the most regular students there. He lost weight, toned, but most importantly, reduced symptoms such as gout and fatigue. He felt his best ever! In 2016, Jason completed his Sculpt Yoga and Hot Pilates teacher training. In 2016 & 2017, Jason led and inspired hundreds of students. Behind the scenes, as Jasons kidney condition started to deteriorate, i saw Jason's body and mind take its toll. In Dec 2017, after our xmas class, Jason told me he could no longer teach. his body just wasn't capable of it anymore. In 2018, Ive witnessed Jason go through ups and downs, whilst he waits patiently for his new kidney. He has had to stop work, and  now spends 15 hours a week receiving dialysis treatment. His kidney function is currently at 8%

The Challenge:
On Sunday March 3rd, i (Jodie) am going to participate in an 8 hour yoga marathon. 

What does that mean? 
Bikram Yoga Mill Park will run back to back yoga classes for 8 hours straight, and Jodie will complete these from start to end. Classes will be a mixture of Hot Yoga, High intensity yoga fusion classes, and traditional Yoga classes. This is the first time a challenge like this has been completed! Classes will be open for the public to join in, and will be entry via "donation".

What are we raising money for?
Jason has always dreamed of furthering his study to become a personal trainer. He was his happiest when he was in the hot Yoga room guiding and inspiring others. With this illness, and him being unable to work, this dream has slipped further and further away. A % of the money raised will be invested into a Personal Training course of Jasons choice. Once he receives his new kidney, this gives him a sense of direction, and an ability to get back on his feet again. This is a way he can also "give back" and thank those who have helped him along the way (something he is really passionate about doing).

The remaining money will be donated directly to the Kidney foundation to support further research and others in Jasons situation. 

How can you help?
* By donating to this cause, and supporting my personal challenge! Help me stay motivated to complete this 8 hour marathon and raise money for such a special cause. 
* By joining me in a class (or 8). All classes will be entry via donation.

Thankyou for your donation, your time and caring about such a special cause. I look forward to seeing you on the day.



  • Cinz Grosso
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Jodie McClintock
Kingsbury, VIC

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