Please help me save my mom's life
Donation protected
Hi. I am Sara Yang. My mother, Qing Zhang, is currently suffering from intestinal obstructions from her colon tumor that grew back even after a previous surgery this year. She cannot digest anything, not even water, and she is currently staying at a nearby hospital. She was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer early this year and the cancer has already spread to the liver, lungs, lymphs, etc.
13 years ago, my mom took her 12-year-old daughter (me) and 7-year-old son to America. My father, Guo Feixiong, was jailed by the Chinese government because he advocated for democracy for 11 years. Our family was also persecuted, so we came to the United States to start a new life. In these 13 years, my mom raised my brother and I to be responsible adults.
Just when I thought our family’s condition was finally getting better, my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. At this moment, my mom needs my father to come here to take care of her. However, the Chinese government prohibits my dad from coming to the United States because he would “endanger China’s national security”, which is totally false. Although many international human rights specialists and scholars have asked the Chinese government to stop blocking my dad from coming to help his sick wife, none had worked.
Looking at my mom throughout these 13 years has showed me how hard, how difficult, how arduous life is for a wife of a political activist. However, even though she had to support her two kids all by herself, even though she had to work multiple part-time jobs, she was always cheerful and would always tell me: “things will get better in the future.” Thus, it absolutely broke my heart when we found out she has cancer.
In order to help my mom, my brother, a full-time college student, switched from living near college to living in my mom’s rented apartment. He came home to cook for my mom every day and help her walk. After my mom experienced her second intestinal obstruction, I left my job in Texas to come to Maryland to take care of my mom. We still want to fight; we still want to hope.
Right now, my mom’s new colon tumor is growing very fast. The doctors need to perform a very difficult surgery to control it, otherwise my mom’s life is in immediate danger. However, the insurance cannot cover all the fees.
My mom gave my brother and I life. She has an incredible spirit full of hope and perseverance. She can still be cured; we do not want to give up. We want to fight. We want to try our best.
Thus, your contribution would help cover my mom’s medical expenses and our family’s living expenses. Every little bit will help. We are very grateful for your help and support.
你好,我是Sara yang。我的母亲张青目前正在遭受因为肠癌肿瘤造成的肠梗阻的痛苦。她不能消化任何东西,甚至连水都不能喝。她现在正在附近的医院里住院急救。今年年初,她被诊断出了肠癌晚期,而且癌细胞已经扩散到了肝、肺、降结肠、淋巴等处,病情越来越危险。
这13年来,我终于明白,一个政治犯的妻子带着两个孩子,在异国他乡打拼,实在是太太太难了。虽然母亲辛苦到每周必须打几份工作来维持家庭生计,但她一直很乐观,她经常跟我说:“我们家以后会好起来的。” 所以,当我得知她患癌的时候,我真的非常难受……
Fundraising team (2)
Sara Yang
Germantown, MD
Fred Yang
Team member