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Support For Ryna Workman

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Hi y’all,

My name is Ryna Workman, and I’m a law student at New York University. I genuinely appreciate you taking a moment to read my story. After speaking up for Palestinian human rights, my world has shifted in the wake of institutional backlash and targeted racist and transphobic harassment and doxxing. I want to continue to use my voice, but the lack of support from my school and the continued harassment online have made it incredibly difficult.

For me, this all began with a message I sent to my fellow NYU Law students, where I voiced my support for the human rights of Palestinians. My message came across as insensitive to the suffering of Israelis during a time of crisis, and that is not what I intended. I am surprised and disheartened that many have read malicious intent into my email. I intended to call attention to the lack of coverage about Palestinians and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza – a crisis that has escalated exponentially since I sent that email on Tuesday, October 10. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been removed as student body president; some alumni have been campaigning for disciplinary action and even my expulsion from law school; the firm I had lined up to work at after graduation revoked my job offer; and I’ve been getting death threats online. The harassment campaign against me has targeted all facets of my identity - the fact that I am Black, the fact that I am queer, the fact that I am nonbinary. It is not only because of what I said but because of who I am that all this is happening to me.

While I believe this attention on one student’s email to their fellow law students is entirely misplaced and a dangerous distraction from an ongoing genocide, suppressing my voice and the voices of other students like me has led to extreme backlash.

Any donated money will be used to financially support me in the wake of this targeted harassment campaign. I will use the money to seek out quality therapy and counselling services and purchase meals and groceries. Your help will provide me with a safety net as I look for other employment opportunities. I also plan on using some of the funds to support other students who have suffered financially after expressing solidarity with Palestine. Any amount you're willing to contribute will be greatly appreciated. If you cannot donate, please share this with friends or family – that would mean the world to me.

I want to continue to speak up for human rights. I want to show other Black and queer students that their voice matters. I want to remain in unwavering solidarity with the people of Palestine. I want to uplift the demand for an immediate ceasefire. I want to continue to be the best law student I can be. But I need your help.

Thank you for your consideration,



  • Geraldine Perral
    • $25
    • 4 mos
  • Melanie Nault
    • $50
    • 4 mos
  • Selma Ilube
    • $50
    • 4 mos
  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 5 mos

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Ryna Workman
New York, NY
Ryna Workman

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