The Show Must Go On
I’m Activities Co-ordinator at Sydmar Lodge Care Home where the Residents have been in Lockdown for 4 months and it’s been my job and privilege to keep them entertained during the COVID crisis with no outside entertainers or family.
As this situation is on-going it could be months before the situation changes for them and the need to keep them happy entertained and full of spirit has never been more crucial.
The photography project - recreating Classic Album covers, with the Residents and Carers has raised awareness globally.
Elderly people will remain in lockdown for a long time, and I want to make their time as happy and full of enjoyment and interest as possible.
Further to the overwhelming response, I have spoken with the Residents involved with this project and we would like the funds raised to go to charity.
We have decided this will be split between DementiaFriends.org.uk, Alzheimers.org.uk and AgeUK.org.uk.
Dementia Friends UK provides information sessions to learn more about what it is like to live with dementia and turn that understanding into action.
Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading dementia charity. They campaign for change, fund research to find a cure and support people living with dementia today.
Age UK is the UK's leading charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. They provide companionship, advice and support for older people who need it most.
See the 12 album covers on Twitter