8th Annual Paws for a Cause
Tax deductible
It is hard to find someone in our community that has not been affected by breast cancer.
We all have mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers that have played a priceless role in our growth and development as people so as we have for the last 7 years we are raising money for The Maurer Foundation in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
Their mission is to save lives through breast health education that focuses on breast cancer prevention, healthy lifestyle choices, early detection, and risk reduction. We have set a goal of $2,000.00 this year and we are so excited to share some of the goodies we will be sharing with our donors!
To learn more about the amazing work of The Maurer Foundation head over to their website here: https://www.maurerfoundation.org/
Co-organizers (4)

Daniel Reitman
Port Washington, NY
Maurer Foundation for Breast Health Education Inc.
Casey Makowski
Team member
Erin Kleinsmith
Team member
Melissa Jordan
Team member