How many family members do you know that would willing to take on the care, and responsibility of raising their sister's child. I WOULD!! His mother is unable to care for him at this time. I am his only hope for a fair chance at life, and to get the medical treatment he needs. My Nephew Lane, is the little boy in the black shirt & blue jeans. He lives in Kansas with his father (not by choice), He has Asperger syndrome (a form of autism) and ADHD. He is the sweetest boy you'll ever meet. His dad called me and said I need to come to Kansas and attend his court hearing Monday October 26th or he is going to place him in a juvenile home, so with the help of my parents and a friend, I was able to make it to Kansas. My family and I are asking for help. This money we're raising isn't for us, it's to get Lane an attorney to get him out of the system and back home in Arizona where he belongs. I know everyone has problems, and money is tight. Please find it in your hearts, dig deep in your pockets, no donation is too small or too big. Please help bring Lane home where he will have a good life, a fair chance at an education, good medical treatment and the care he needs. If he goes into the boys facility, he will DIE, he doesn't know how to fight, he is a lover, he won't survive!! Thank you to all that have donated and prayed for us, please continue to do so, we need all the help we can get.