Wolf Sanctuary Fence Replacement
Donation protected
Hi friends! Two of our enclosures at Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary are in urgent need of a rebuild. Enclosures #6 (currently empty, but hopefully not for long) and #7 (home to Romulus and Rafiki) were built in a hurry to bring in new rescues several years ago and due to budget constraints at the time, they were built with weaker materials -wooden posts and thin chain link which are not standing the test of time. Enclosures #1-5 were originally built with steel posts and sturdy 9gauge chain link. We would like to upgrade enclosures #6 and #7 to match the structural integrity of the other five so that we can ensure that the resident animals in them are properly housed.
The estimates we have received so far say it will cost upwards of $20,000 so that is what we are trying to raise. This includes tear down and haul off of the existing enclosures #6 and #7 and the construction of the new enclosures by a professional fencing company. We would like to accomplish this as soon as possible so that our current and future rescues will have safe and secure containment. Can you help?
Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary (SFWS) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity in Montgomery, Texas, run by volunteers and created to provide a permanent home for non-releasable wolves and wolfdogs to live out the rest of their natural lives safely and comfortably with loving care and attention. These animals have suffered much and deserve a stable and loving home. SFWS is also committed to educating the public about wolves, conservation issues, and the downsides of exotic pets.
If the actual cost of repairs ends up being less than the total money raised through this campaign, those excess funds will be rolled into our long-term relocation plan's savings account. Thank you!
The estimates we have received so far say it will cost upwards of $20,000 so that is what we are trying to raise. This includes tear down and haul off of the existing enclosures #6 and #7 and the construction of the new enclosures by a professional fencing company. We would like to accomplish this as soon as possible so that our current and future rescues will have safe and secure containment. Can you help?
Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary (SFWS) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity in Montgomery, Texas, run by volunteers and created to provide a permanent home for non-releasable wolves and wolfdogs to live out the rest of their natural lives safely and comfortably with loving care and attention. These animals have suffered much and deserve a stable and loving home. SFWS is also committed to educating the public about wolves, conservation issues, and the downsides of exotic pets.
If the actual cost of repairs ends up being less than the total money raised through this campaign, those excess funds will be rolled into our long-term relocation plan's savings account. Thank you!
Christie Guidry
Montgomery, TX