Baby Asher Fund
Asher Eli Norvell was born on April 24th, 2014 at approx 12:57pm at 26 weeks. He weighs 1lb 14oz and is 13in long.
Hello my name is Charlene Norvell, and I am the proud mother of 2 beautiful boys. Landon is 21 months old and Asher is now 2 weeks old.
On April 24, 2014 I had decided to leave work early because my back was hurting, I had no idea that only a few minutes later while attempting to pick up Landon my 21 month old son from the Child Development Center, that I would be welcoming the birth of my new son Asher Eli. With the amazing help of a fellow Sierra Army Depot employee, Asher Eli was born at 26 weeks weighing only 1lb 14 oz in the parking lot of the Child Development Center at Sierra Army Depot in California. With additional help from some wonderful employees, Baby Asher and I were cared for until Sierra Army Depot emergency response personnel arrived on scene, which proved to be life saving for both myself and my baby. Mountain Life Flight and REMSA took over care and transported us to Renown Medical Center where I was given a blood transfusion due to hemorrhaging from complications from the delivery. Baby Asher was admitted into the neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU) where he remains.
A facebook account in the name of "Baby Asher" has been created where you can go to get updates on Baby Asher and family.