Expenses of the death of my mother
Mi nombre es Milton aguilar y pido ayuda para recolectar fondos para los gastos funerarios de mi Madre Estela Aguilar quien desaparecio el viernes 24 de enero del 2020 y fue encontrada muerta el 29 de enero del 2020 y con el corazon en la mano estoy pidiendo apoyo para poder cubrir algunos de los gastos cualquier granito de arena seria plena mente y de corazon agradesido bendiciones para todos
My name is Milton Aguilar and I ask for help to raise funds for the funeral expenses of my Mother Estela Aguilar who disappeared on Friday, January 24, 2020 and was found dead on January 29, 2020 and with my heart in hand I am asking for support to to be able to cover some of the expenses, any grain of sand would be full-hearted and heartfelt blessings to all
My aunt will withdraw the money to cover expenses that are more than $ 8,000 that money would come to me to pay with a money order