9 Year-Old Myah's Bionic Eye fund.
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Kai. I will be taking part in a charity boxing event to raise money for a local little girl named Myah, who endures daily bullying at school due to her microphthalmia.
Born with one eye as a result of her rare condition, Myah has endured over 20 surgeries since birth. One such surgery caused her face to partially collapse when she was just 1 years-old. This page is to raise money for her to get a bionic eye fitted in America. The procedure will achieve 3 things: Firstly, it will decrease the bullying and negative attention she frequently receives. Secondly, it will increase her self confidence, which is extremely important as a young child. Lastly, this is a high quality Bionic Eye which means she won't have to endure as many surgeries going forward in her life. These surgeries are not enjoyable for anyone, let alone a 9 year old girl so it would mean a lot to her if she could go through less of them with all of our collective help. Please donate anything you feel comfortable with, and tickets to the boxing show can also be bought for £40 if you send me a private message on the number 07516345194. It will be taking place at Arleston Ln, Derby DE24 3DH. Aged 17+ and smart casual dresswear for all guests who'd like to attend.
The boxing is going to be exciting, but at the end of the day, we are all there for Myah and her wish to be treated better by those around her.

Kai Hinds